02 9760 0086
Open 6 days
Suite 1, 44 South Street
Granville, NSW 2142
A beautiful smile can make all the difference in your life

Veneers & Bonding

Nowadays there are a wide variety of treatments and methods that a dentist can use to enhance a person’s smile. Cosmetic veneers have really gained in popularity over the last few years, and recently came to evolve into a veritable art form. Patients who have discoloured, stained, chipped or uneven teeth usually seek cosmetic veneers.
Placement of dental veneer requires the artistry, precision and talented cosmetic dentist.  Porcelain Veneers are thin laminates of porcelain, which are bonded to the surface of a tooth. 
Porcelain Veneers are the ultimate restoration for:
  • Revitalising the surface of a tooth
  • Concealing chips
  • Covering stains or discolouration
  • Closing gaps between teeth
  • Masking misaligned teeth
  • Coating wear and tear
  • As an alternative to Orthodontic treatment

The application of tooth coloured filling material (composite resin) to the tooth has been a dental technique for many years. Recent advances in technology have increased the strength, durability and longevity of these restorations. Bonding is done with composite resin and it is made in patient's mouth. It is much cheaper than veneers but over time it can pick up stain.